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SXSW 2017 means two things: Great panels and better tacos

Matthew Knell
Meet Matthew Knell


[ TL;DR: If you love me, vote here and here ;) ]

I had a blast being a part of my first SXSW Interactive panel last year, and the experience inspired me to give the vaunted SXSW Panel Picker another shot.

This year, I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of two panel proposals on two diverse topics I really like to talk about — auto racing, and leadership!

Panel 1: Let’s Go Racing

The first panel is really a dream come true for me — a chance to talk racing and social media with some folks I really admire. The panel is called “How Social Media is Saving Auto Racing”, and will feature:

Sound interesting? (We hope so). Give us a vote here!

Panel 2: Let’s Talk Leadership

The second panel, which I was invited to be a part of by the gracious Devin Desjarlais of Omelet, talks about the challenges of maintaining more “traditional” distance between workers and employees. This one is called “Leading with Love: Future of Emotional Leadership”. Here’s a look:

Welcome to the future of leadership. Millennials are now the largest working generation and have brought with them a fresh take on the relationship between employers and employees. Good luck sticking to status quo and keeping an emotional distance. These passionate employees are seeking a coach — one that’ll fight right alongside them. Give them that and 87% will be less likely to leave their companies.

In this session, three company leaders discuss how they’re tackling this new divide between boss and friend and how the separation between the two can be a nearly non-existent line but why crossing it translates to higher retention rates, better communication, and more.

This panel will also feature:

Vote here if you’d like to see this idea happen!

As always, thanks for your consideration and time — both for reading this, and also clicking on that little “thumbs up” on the voting page. I greatly appreciate it!

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Customer experience, digital transformation, and social media executive. Loves the Mets, IndyCar and his crew 💁🏻🐕🐼🐯